“How to Clean Your Hair Combs Easily? Take Expert Advise!”

As someone who styles hair, I’ve seen how quickly a comb can get dirty, becoming loaded with lint, oil, and hair. It’s surprising to realize that an average comb can accumulate more bacteria than a kitchen sink if not cleaned regularly.

This compromises health and comfort and detracts from professionalism in settings where clients trust us with their appearance. Ensuring your combs are thoroughly sanitized is not just about keeping them clean; it’s about maintaining a standard of care that reflects your commitment to your craft.

From my experience, cleaning a comb doesn’t have to be a time-consuming chore. It can be quick and painless. A simple, step-by-step guide can make a difference in effectively sanitizing your styling tools.

How to Clean Your Comb Efficiently? The Answer

To clean a hard rubber or plastic comb, first remove all hair, then soak it in lukewarm water with shampoo to loosen residue. Scrub with an old toothbrush or another comb, especially in narrow gaps, and rinse thoroughly. Dry on a towel and apply hair oil for a protective finish. For wooden combs, use a mixture of warm water, soap, and natural oil, wipe with a cotton cloth, and dry completely. To sanitize, soak the comb in a disinfectant like alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.

Why You Should Regularly Clean Your Comb?

Keeping your comb clean is crucial not just for aesthetic reasons but for your scalp’s health. Daily exposure to dirt, dust, and hair products like gel, mousse, and spray can turn your comb into a breeding ground for germs. Just like you wouldn’t wash your face with a dirty facecloth, using unclean combs or contaminated combs on clean hair can be just as counterproductive.

This grime can contribute to scalp conditions such as dandruff, hair fall, and scalp infections. A regular cleaning regime ensures hair remains healthy, shiny, and free from buildup, keeping your styling tools in pristine condition.

How to Establish Your Comb Cleaning Routine?

Deciding how often to clean your comb often depends on its use and what products you apply to your hair day to day. A good rule of thumb is to clean it at least once a month. However, if you use heavy, petroleum-based products, consider cleaning them more often, weekly or every two weeks.

For those using lighter, water-based products, less frequent cleaning might suffice. Keeping a cleaning schedule helps prevent the buildup of dirt and grease, making the process less work over time and ensuring your tools are always ready for use.

What Happens When You Neglect A Proper Comb Hygiene?

Neglecting to clean your combs and brushes regularly can turn them into breeding grounds for dust, bacteria, and product buildup. Without proper cleaning, these tools fail to distribute oils effectively from the scalp to the ends, instead adding dirt and oils back into your hair.

What Happens When You Neglect A Proper Comb Hygiene?

This not only defeats the purpose of having a clean hair comb but can also lead to scalp conditions like dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, and folliculitis—an inflammation that may cause hair loss.

Clogged pins can snap off, hindering the brush’s ability to glide through hair smoothly, causing mechanical breakage and shedding. It’s a preventable trouble that demands attention to hygiene.

“How to Clean Your Hair Combs Easily? Take Expert Advise!”

What are The Effective Cleaning Techniques for Combs?

Combs may benefit from a good soak in water, especially if they don’t have wooden or rubber handles that cannot be left to soak. Choose a cleaning method that works easily for your type of comb. For those with wooden or rubber handles, pick an alternate method that does not involve soaking in water to prevent damage.

Material Required

  • The comb needs to be cleaned
  • Warm water
  • Cleaning agents like mild shampoo, detergent or liquid soap
  • Towel or cotton cloth
  • Old toothbrush
  • Baking soda
  • White vinegar
  • A wide area container

Hard Rubber or Plastic Comb Cleaning Instructions

  • Cleaning a hard rubber or plastic comb begins with the first step of removing excess hair. Hair that is dead or cut tends to get trapped between the teeth of the comb, making it essential to remove this before any wet cleaning process.
Hard Rubber or Plastic Comb Cleaning Instructions

  • Once all hair is removed and disposed of properly, fill a large glass vessel with lukewarm water and add shampoo. Submerge the comb for a few minutes; this combination of warm water and shampoo helps soften any gunky residue that collects within the teeth, particularly a problem with thin-toothed combs.
  • After the residue has softened, the comb can be scrubbed. An old toothbrush works excellently for this purpose, as its bristles can quickly and thoroughly dislodge the gunk.
  • If necessary, scrubbing the comb with another comb is an effective trick for narrower teeth gaps. Make sure to get between each tooth to ensure that all residue and dirt are removed.
  • Rinsing the combs with clean water is a critical step in the cleaning process to wash away any loose dirt, gunk, or leftover shampoo. Once rinsed, dry the combs on a dry towel to remove any excess water and keep the teeth fresh and clean.

Wooden Comb Cleaning Instructions

  • To effectively clean a wooden comb, which doesn’t accumulate dirt as easily as plastic combs, you should start by avoiding the use of excessive water. Wood tends to swell and splinter if soaked for too long.
  • Instead, prepare a mixture of warm water, soap, and a natural oil like olive oil, jojoba oil, or coconut oil. Soak the comb in this solution for just a few minutes to loosen dirt.
  • Wipe off the cleaning solution with a soft, cotton cloth and use an old toothbrush to clean between the brushes carefully.
Wooden Comb Cleaning Instructions
  • After washing, it’s crucial to wipe the comb dry completely before use. To preserve your comb and give it a nice finish, apply a small amount of hair oil on both sides.
  • Distribute the oil evenly across the surface to create a protective film. For those preferring not to use water, simply dip a clean piece of cloth in any of the mentioned oils, and rub it across the comb to remove any remaining dirt.
  • You can then lay the comb on a towel to soak up any excess oil overnight.

Don’t Forget to Sanitize Your Comb

  • After cleaning your comb with shampoo and water to remove germs from the surface, it’s crucial to sanitize it to kill any pathogens that remain.
  • Letting the comb soak in a disinfectant solution like alcohol or hydrogen peroxide will help eliminate any lingering germs.
  • To ensure complete sanitation, reapply a Saniticide solution, especially in professional settings like salons, where hairstylists must thoroughly disinfect all equipment before reusing it. This step is vital for maintaining the highest hygiene standards.

How to Get Rid of Smelly Hair Comb?

A smelly hair comb is often a sign of bacterial growth caused by moisture and product residue. To eliminate odors, create a solution of lukewarm water mixed with a few drops of tea tree oil or white vinegar, both known as natural disinfectants.

Soak your comb in this mixture for 20 minutes to help neutralize the odors. After soaking, rinse the comb thoroughly under running water and allow it to dry completely before using again.

How to Keep Maintain Your Clean Comb Over Time?

To keep your comb clean for a longer period, develop a habit of removing hair from the comb after each use. A quick pull to remove loose strands can make a big difference. Avoid using your comb when your hair is loaded with styling products like gel or hairspray. If you do use it, consider rinsing it immediately afterward to prevent buildup.

Store your comb properly in a clean, dry place—preferably in a drawer or a container to protect it from dust and dirt. This prevents environmental damage and keeps the comb in good condition.

Additionally, give your comb a quick wipe down with a damp cloth every few days, especially if it’s used a lot, to maintain its cleanliness and functionality without causing scratches or damage.

Final Thought

Cleanliness is key in the hair and beauty industry, and no client wants to be exposed to dirty tools. As hair professionals at Twisty Treasure, it’s our responsibility to provide a safe and healthy environment.

By following simple steps and making a little effort to keep your comb free of dirt, oil, and buildup, you’ll make your hair care routine smoother and more effective. Cleaning your comb regularly only takes a few minutes, but the benefits will last for years, ensuring your clients are comfortable and happy to return to your chair repeatedly.


How do you clean a dirty comb?

To remove gunky residue from the teeth of the comb, simply fill a large glass with warm water and a squirt of shampoo. Allow your comb to soak by submerging it for a few minutes. This method effectively softens and cleans out the buildup caught between the teeth.

What is the gunk on my comb?

The gunk on your comb typically consists of product and mineral build-up, along with dead skin cells and dandruff from your scalp. This residue collects after brushing your hair and appears as white stuff.

How do you get the smell out of a comb?

To eliminate odors from wooden combs, create a mixture of warm water, soap, and oil. Soak the comb for 2 to 3 minutes and then wipe off the cleaning solution with a soft, cotton cloth. Use an old toothbrush to clean between the brushes.

How to remove hair oil from a comb?

To remove oily buildup and residue from a comb, fill a bowl or sink with warm water—avoid boiling water as it can alter the shape and teeth of the comb. Add clarifying shampoo, submerge the comb, and let it soak for half an hour to effectively loosen the grime.

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