Curly hair issues require consistent attention, especially since split ends can significantly impact your curl pattern’s look and overall health.
When dealing with curlier and coarser hair types, split ends are a common issue, making the hair more prone to breakage. It’s essential to approach curly hair cutting with the right game plan.
Though many hairdressers encourage leaving the cutting to professionals, hair maintenance can often be an at-home activity. Giving yourself a split-end trim between professional cuts can help maintain your style for longer.Even the healthiest head of coils might notice split ends, but the truth is they can sneak in unexpectedly.
How to Trim Curly Hair Split Ends? The Quick Answer
Why Curly Hair Split Ends Form?
- Split ends in curly hair often stem from dryness and friction. Breakage can happen when curly hairs rub against cotton or other rough fabrics, especially while sleeping on cotton pillowcases without a satin bonnet or scarf. Cotton, a material that absorbs moisture, leaves the ends, the oldest and typically driest part of the strand, prone to splitting.
- Excessive blow-drying, flat ironing, and using hot styling tools can dry out the hair, leaving curls weaker and more brittle.
- Alcohols in styling products and sulfates in shampoos are common culprits that strip the hair’s moisture, exacerbating the problem.
- Improperly detangling and brushing curly hair with the wrong tools, or not knowing how to brush curly hair, can lead to friction-caused breakage.
- Certain chemicals, used in color processes like dyes and bleach, also cause dryness, leading to split dyed hair.

To prevent split ends in curly hair, prioritize giving your hair the proper slip and moisture before styling. Avoid brushing curls when they’re dry to reduce damage. This personal approach has helped me maintain healthier ends, despite my curly hair’s natural tendency to look thinner, shorter, or uneven at the tips compared to other parts of my hair.
How to Address Split Ends?
To tackle split ends, first look for signs like hairs coming off on the sides, or pieces that look Y-shaped or split down the middle. If you see hairs that are single strands splitting into two or more branches, it’s time to trim.
Start by giving your hair a good moisture treatment to ensure split ends are visible and easier to handle. When trimming, use sharp scissors to cut just above the split, ensuring you retain as much length as possible while removing the damaged tips.
Is Curly Hair More Prone To Split Ends?
Curly hair is indeed more vulnerable to split ends. The natural bends in curls create weaker parts in each strand, making it harder for natural hair oils to work their way down and nourish the ends. These textures tend to fray and split more easily, especially where the hair coils tightly. This makes maintaining and trimming the ends crucial to keeping curls healthy.
How to Distinguish Dead Ends from Split Ends
Sometimes it is a little bit confusing to identify the difference between dead ends and split ends. It is good to distinguish both as it aids in better treatment of the issue. To identify whether you have dead ends or split ends, look closely at the appearance of your hair.
A split end splits up the middle of a strand, appearing like a fork. In contrast, a dead end often shows as a broken piece of hair, and it may look brittle, frizzy, or dull. Both types of damage can be caused by overbrushing, heat styling, chemical processing, or under-moisturized hair.

Consult your stylist for an accurate assessment or visit Twisty Treasure for proper treatment. proper trimming or treatment using a hydrating repair mask or deep conditioner is mandatory.
A Five-Step Guide to Trim Curly Hair Split ends at Home
Essential Tools for Trimming Curly Hair
- To properly trim your split ends and avoid damage, use the right tools.
- Quality hair shears with a sharp blade are crucial, as blunt scissors can cause split ends and harm the hair cuticle. Avoid household, kitchen, or paper scissors.
- Equip yourself with a wide-tooth comb to section your hair, and section clips to hold it in place.
- Ensure you have a hand-held mirror and a big mirror to see the back of your hair, along with good lighting against a plain wall to view the shape and silhouette of your hair during the trimming process.
Trim When Curls are Dry
For trimming curly hair, it’s crucial to cut when your hair is dry. Wet hair may condense, making it hard to gauge the true amount you’re cutting, which could lead to shrinkage and other major cutting mistakes.
Avoid trimming right after washing—wait until the second or third day, when your curls have settled into their natural state. This approach allows you to see how each strand will react, contract, and expand as well as you can visibly see the split ends ensuring you wear your hair as it truly wants to look.
Gather 1 Inch Portion of Hair
When trying to trim your curly hair, take a section about 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide in your hands. If your hair is particularly thin, consider taking a bigger section, whereas if it’s super thick, opt for a smaller section. Start on one side of your head to avoid getting sections mixed up as you go along. Always take time to brush out any tangles before you cut.
Twist the Hair to Spot Split Ends
Now the already taken small section starts to twist it tightly from the top down. As you go on, continue twisting the entire strand. Once the section is fully twisted, you’ll see the damaged ends of the strands popping out. This method helps to clearly identify which parts need trimming, making it easier to maintain the health and beauty of your curls.
Trim Off the Split Ends
Now it’s time to carefully focus on the ends as this technique makes the split ends that are sticking out more visible. Use cutting shears to snip off about 0.5 centimeters from the tips, ensuring you only remove the damaged parts, thus maintaining healthy hair.
Starting from the top and going down ensures thorough trimming. If you have shorter hair that’s difficult to see, mirror assistance can help make sure you don’t miss any spots, despite the varied lengths this might create.
Retwist for Reassurance
After initially twisting your hair strand, undo the twist and start twisting it in the opposite way to ensure no split ends are missed. For instance, if you first twisted it clockwise, now twist it counterclockwise.
This method makes split ends that didn’t appear during the first twist more visible. Finally, use cutting shears to snip off any remaining split ends, giving your curls a clean and healthy look.

Gather a New Section of Hair and Repeat the Process
To continue trimming your curly hair’s split ends, select a new 1 inch (2.5 cm) section next to the old section you just finished. Twist this part tightly, as you did the first time. This method ensures that any ends sticking out are clearly visible.
Use sharp cutting shears to make a clean cut, trimming off the split ends. Secure already trimmed sections with a hair clip or tie to avoid confusion and ensure you don’t miss any spots. Repeat this process until you’ve covered your entire head.
Final Words on Maintaining Healthy Curls
Maintaining curlies and coilies in pristine condition requires effort, but it’s completely possible. With the right hair care tools and products, you can ensure your curls are juicy, joyful, and split end-free in the long run. Your hair will thank you for it!
Is It Normal to Have Split Ends with Curly Hair?
Absolutely, it’s normal for curly hair to develop split ends. The strand’s natural tendency to coil makes the ends more vulnerable to dryness and fraying. This is because curls create weak points where splitting occurs more frequently.
Should I Trim My Curly Hair Wet or Dry?
When cutting curly hair, it’s best to avoid doing it soaking wet. Wet curls tend to shrink as they dry, which can lead to unexpected lengths. A dry cut gives more precision, but a damp cut can also work if the hair isn’t dripping wet.
Is It Better to Cut Split Ends When Hair Is Wet or Dry?
It’s always better to trim natural hair when it’s dry. Wet hair can stretch, making it hard to achieve an accurate trim and causing uneven ends after it dries.
How to Fix Dead Ends on Curly Hair?
To fix unhealthy ends, you can trim them with a big chop or a small chop. This is the quickest and most effective way to restore the bounce in your curls, even if your hair feels super short for a few weeks.

Dive into the world of curls with Farah, a celebrated curly hair expert whose passion and expertise have transformed her into a beacon for those seeking to embrace their natural hair texture. With a vibrant career spanning over a decade, Farah has dedicated herself to the science and art of curly hair, making her an authoritative voice in this niche. Her deep understanding of curly hair’s unique needs and challenges allows her to craft personalized care routines and styles that not only enhance the natural beauty of curls but also promote hair health.